So we ate an awesome breakfast at the buffet in the hotel. Then his mom and step dad came to the hotel and we sat in the lobby chatting. We all then went to a nearby mall (really nice!!) and Ryan got me a beautiful bracelet from Dillards!! (since we had some extra gift card money) I love it!! Then off to the Cheesecake Factory for a late lunch. They had never been there before! His mom thought it just had cheesecakes. haha
They headed home and we drove around for a bit to see what was nearby. And I had been craving a smoothie!! We had it all planned at lunch to split something and then us both get dessert. He was going to get a cheesecake and me their Peach Smoothie!! But then after, we STILL were full!! Gesh!! We were both so disappointed! So we ended up finding a Panera and I got my old standby....(mango smoothie)
So now we are back at the hotel. Ryan is taking a little cat nap and we are waiting to be hungry for dinner. haha We are planning on just going downstairs and eating in the restaurant, but we will see if we even want dinner at all.....
Orlando played hookey from work today and guess where we ate at...The CHEESECAKE FACTORY!!! hahaha How funny is that??? We shared an appetizer and meal too and were stuffed! Love that shirt you are wearing!
I know all too well the I'm-too-full feeling in the wake of a visit to the Cheesecake Factory! :) Glad you're having fun!!
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