I went 325 miles-6 hours. Ending in Lafayette, LA
Ok, where do I begin......Stacey, forget what I said....I never want to make this trip again!! LA has way to many rivers and lakes!! So, I don't like highways and I even like LESS bridges and I have had to travel on a highway that is ALSO a bridge!!! hahahah No, I have done really well. But just a rough afternoon. Ok, so I left the hotel in Pensacola at 10am and in like 10 minutes I was in Alabama!! hahah
Then an hour later I was in Mississippi!! And then in an hour I was in Louisiana!! I have been in 4 states today! Crazy!
I went through a Tunnel!! So scary and cool!! Then I took a nice long lunch at a shopping center like The Loop. Ate a very small lunch at Target and walked around Kohl's. Bought my Anniversary present (thanks Ryan!!) So all that was great...then the afternoon hit! I went through Baton Rouge at rush hour!! Nightmare! AND went on the biggest bridge EVER, during rush hour!! I was talking myself through it, outloud, and I made it!! Then another really long bridge over a swamp!
I wanted to stop around 6pm, so I called Ryan and we just could not find a hotel that I could get his discount AND have a good dinner nearby. Soooo.....I had seen (don't know if that is proper english, but I am too tired to care) a Cracker Barrel when I was going back and forth on the highway and a hotel next to it. So I just got off on that exit and had to pay $50 more at a Drury Hotel, but it is worth it!! I was able to walk to Cracker Barrel and then go to my room! And the hotel is beautiful! Oh but I didn't see a fridge in it, so unloaded my cooler, went up and down the elevator to get ice and repack the cooler. Then I was checking out the cabinets in the TV stand, and what do you think I saw??? A Fridge!!! hahahaahahah Just not my day!
But I am all settled for the night.....I want to thank you all for your well wishes and calls to check on me.....I feel so loved! AND I do not feel alone on this trip!! It is like you are all in the car with me!! But be glad you are not, cause I talk to myself and sing ALOT! hahah (big shock, right Joyce??)
I can't believe I get to look in Ryan's eyes tomorrow!!! I am so excited! But I can't think about it or I will never sleep!! So I will write about my 3rd day tomorrow (or maybe Thur, I might be busy...) :)
thinking of you sweetie! Great job getting through 4 states! Yikes!
Have a great time.
Wow, what a day...but you are doing great!!! Just think...you get to see Ryan today!!! Have fun with him! ;)
Well done Amy, you are doing so well.
Iam enjoying your blog. Take care
That's Pensacola to Mobile--like a few minutes and you say goodbye to Florida.. I agree on La, way to many bodies of water. The bridge pic--i have the same one from our drive to Texas
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