Well my first day driving home is done. It was an ok day. I drove approx. 400 miles. But in the am I was driving through small towns, so had to keep slowing down. Then after lunch went through a construction zone and was only going 20-30 MPH. And then it rained the whole way to the hotel from 3pm on!! So I didn't get to the hotel till 7:30pm. Was hoping to be done driving by 6pm, but I already had my reservation, so I had to keep on till I got here.....
My 2pm lunch was fun! I just ate my snacks I brought, but I had stopped at this cracker barrel like travel stop in Texas. It had a barb-a-que restaurant and sonic inside, plus tons of gifty things, plus a gas station with the usual snacks and drinks. It had it all!!! So I spent the whole hour there just shopping around! Got Amanda something cool (can you guess???) hahahaah
So I am now at a very pretty Holiday Inn in Opelousas, LA ( I have no idea how to say that). They have a restaurant in the hotel, so that is where I got my HUGE club sandwich!! I was sooo hungry, but still could not finish it!! With awesome fries (like steak n shake) But I wanted to just sit there and relax, well they were treating the pool (oh I want to tell a funny story about that!!) so the hallway smelled AWFUL of chlorine. And you know how I can't handle smells. I immediately got a headache and eyes burning.....plus there were a few guests and employees in the restaurant talking so loudly and cursing....I couldn't' take it, I asked to get mine to go. And they gave it all to me in the regular plates, including my drink in a glass!! Plus I had got dessert, so you should have seen me trying to carry all of that and open the door to my room!!! I thought for sure I would be wearing my Sprite!! But I made it....hahah And then my Sprite was awful!!! So I had to drink my own bottle of Sprite I had with no ice, which those of you who know me, I NEED ice with soda......ok, now I am just complaining, but I am so tired.....hahah
Oh yah, the funny pool story!! So I get here and the line to check in is long, so I just walked around to see the restaurant and such. Well they have an indoor pool (very cool) and a bunch of people are standing outside the doors all wet and some employees are inside. So I look in and there is a BIG SNAKE in the pool room!!! It was behind a plant. Think one! With brown stripes. So one of the employees grabs the big metal chair and beats the crap out of it!! hahahah I had to walk away at that point, but it was so funny!!! All I could think picture was Ryan being in the pool.....relaxing....then looking over and seeing the snake....and jumping out of the pool in seconds!!!! hahah (sorry baby...)
Ahhh......anyway, so I just watched America Idol Finale. Just saw the last 2 minutes. And now am watching Transformers (my fav) So soon I will take my shower and try and unwind.
1 comment:
Cool shirt! Did Ryan try to "beam you up" while wearing it?? ;) hahahaha Glad to see more pics. Sorry you had to leave today. :( Your snake story is funny. And that sandwich is huge! Check out that ham! That's the thickest I've ever seen! (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!) Call me again tomorrow if you want!
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