Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2nd....... Can you guess what I am eating and why I have a huge smile????? It is the new Wendy's maple biscuit with bacon, egg & cheese. YYUUUMMMYYYY!! I am never up early enough to get it, but this morning I had to work the morning shift (actually all day)...... I was sooo tired this morning so I was hoping it would help me get through the day (along with a large Sprite & coffecake muffin) and it sure did!!


Chiara said...

okay I will take your word that it is good

Dalovely Damanda said...

what a fun photo of you and your food! See, getting up early does have it's perks! haha ;)

Gaius Polt said...

I am just bummed that she didn't get me one.

Lis said...

Very fun and yummy.