July 17, Thursday................This is me on the chiropractor table. My savior!! I am trying to make my week long
migraine go away!!! It has helped a little so far, but I will know more in the morning. You should have seen me trying to take this pic! I used the timer. The first one I took of half my body.
this is a great shot
great shot and I can just imagine you trying to get it. Hope you are feeling better!
hope the headache is getting better
You are TOOO funny, lady! I love this photo of you! I can just imagine...you turn on the timer and RUN to the table and jump on! haha Sorry you still don't feel well...hopefully that helped!
so creative!! i always forget about my timer. Sure hope your headache simmers down very soon.
Oh no! A LONG MIGRAINE! I hope you feel better soon!!!!
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